Projects in Cameroon

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Source named “24 steps” in Mbouda

. The source fed by a river was already in use by the population of the area.

. Installation and commissioning of a disinfection system by ultraviolet radiation to desinfect the water.

. A building housing the disinfection system and the control panel was constructed upstream of the source. The building was financed by the Municipality of Mbouda.

. Costs of CHF 25’000

This project was funded through profits from the sale of water jugs provided by SIG. Zep graciously illustrated them with drawings of Titeuf.

Banok Medical Center

. Disinfection of water supplied to the center from a pumping well.
. Supply, installation and commissioning of a UV disinfection system, a recirculation pump and a booster to power the medical center.
. The assembly work was carried out by the group of students formed to monitor our facilities by our representative in Cameroon, Professor at the University of Dschang.
. Project costs: CHF 17’000.-

The commissioning was done by our team.

Dschang center for young blind

. Establishment of supervision and maintenance support of the center’s water supply facilities (pumping wells and pipes) by our team in Cameroon.
. Project costs: CHF 2’000.-

Costs to support the operations in Cameroon: Aproximately 10’000 CHF/year.


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