Projects in Kenya

We have two ongoing projects in Kenya, located on the banks of Lake Victoria in the Rarieda Sub County, Siaya County:

  1. Koteyo Water Project : put in operation in 2011,
  2. Kiswaro Water Project : an extension to the Koteyo Water Project (implementation in progress)

This region is one of the poorest in Kenya with over 60% of the population living below the poverty line.

The supply of drinking water is deficient; the available water sources are mostly ponds (unhealthy and often drying out), the Lake Victoria and rain depending on season.

The consumption of this unsanitary water leads to diseases and a particularly high mortality rate among children, who are the most vulnerable. In addition, the daily trips to get water, mostly made by women, are time consuming (up to four hours) and to the prejudice of other activities.

The goal of H2O-Energies is to provide drinking water to the population and to schools by means of a water treatment plant using water from Lake Victoria and the construction of distribution kiosks connected by a network of pipes.   

For these projects we collaborate with Rafiki, a local NGO located nearby.

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