Join us as…
Supporting member
You do not have enough free time to
help, but you still would like to
support us and get informed about
our projects?
Become a supporting member with an
annual membership fee of CHF 80.- !
Active member
Would you like to get involved and you have some time to contribute directly to our projects?
Become an active member whit an annual membership fee of CHF 80.- and participate in the life of the association!
Institutional member
As an enterprise, a municipality, an
association you would like to
support us by contributing to our
projects on a regular basis.
Become an institutional member with
an annual membership fee of CHF 200.-!
Make a donation ...
…with just one click
You can make a donation easily by clicking on one of the
buttons below. We use the process Colibri, powered by
the Swiss company WEMAKEIT, a payment process
completely secure and reliable.
Make a donation via a bank or a Postfinance account
You also can send your contribution directly to our bank
account or our Postfinance account.
Raiffeisen :
Beneficiary “H2O-Energies”
Banque Raiffeisen – Région Genève-Rhône – CCP 12-359-3
En faveur du compte 4463.40 H20-Energies
IBAN CH91 8080 8008 4586 9354 0
Postfinance :
Beneficiary “H20-Energies”
Compte 12-814336-3
IBAN CH48 0900 0000 1281 4336 3